Lucent Breathwork

Breathwork opens the door to personal growth and transformation through improved mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

Emotional and Mental Benefits :

  • Reduce anxiety and depression

  • Boost happiness, mood, self-worth and acceptance

  • Facilitates release of unexpressed emotion and trauma

  • Break patterns of negative thinking and behavior

  • Create clarity and awareness

  • Learn to control stress

    Physical Benefits :

  • Increase energy and focus

  • Decrease pain and inflammation

  • Reset of the nervous system

  • Increase metabolism

  • Help alleviate symptoms of menopause

  • Release toxins from the body

  • Improve immunity and digestion

  • Optimize athletic performance and recovery

  • Help alleviate upper respiratory and sleep disorders

My brother Sam introduced me to the practice of breathwork at a time in my life where I was feeling a little lost. I was sidelined from my Broadway show with an injury, having terrible migraines, and feeling a lot of emotional unrest without a clear understanding of where it was coming from.

The moment I started diving into the different practices of breathwork, my whole world changed. I’d never felt anything change my whole being so quickly. And without medicine. My body, my breath, was in fact, acting as my own medicine. It was mind blowing. Through my own practice, which includes techniques taken from Wim Hof, Oxygen Advantage, Yogic Breathing, and XPT, I became clear about where my distress was coming from and was able to tackle it, as well as start to lessen the severity of my chronic migraines. It helped heal old emotional trauma, as well as gain the tools to deal with new emotion or situations that might arise in the future, I was astonished by what my own body was capable of.

I began practicing any different technique I could get my hands on. Learning the science behind breathing was incredibly fascinating (our bodies are extraordinary!), our physiology and how different breathwork patterns affect the body differently. How using breathwork, we can hack into the body’s sympathetic and parasympathetic systems to not only create optimal health, but to ward off illness, potentially manage autoimmune disorders and upper-respiratory disorders, alleviate depression and anxiety and enhance athletic performance and recovery as well. The applications seem to be endless and that makes it incredibly exciting. I became certified to teach these methods, including XPT and Buteyko, honing them down and combining these with the vast knowledge of the last 30+ years of my own dance, performance and athletic background, and it brought me to a place where there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to share it with you all. The power to help restore our own health, to reach a deep sense of self love and acceptance, to heal and expand.

To just feel good. We are limitless.

Sam and I opened Lucent Breathwork to share this wonderful healing modality with others. Please click on the link below and set up a time to discuss how we can best serve you.

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